Discover the power of being a Pen Friend at Starlight

What is a Pen Friend?

There’s just something about getting a letter. Something with your name on it. Something tangible that you can hold in your hands and open with anticipation and excitement. We all know that feeling – it’s like Christmas every time!

Starlight children have gone through such tough times in their short lives. They need all the love and support they can get. Exchanging letters is a meaningful way of directing focused, positive attention to our children and enabling them to experience the warm, fuzzy moments that are the stuff of memories they will cherish all their lives.

The Pen Friends program is a way that you can offer words of encouragement and support to a Starlight child. You can make a world of difference in their healing journey, just by being you and showing that you care. As a Pen Friend, you partner with us at Starlight at Tamassee to make a lasting impact on a child’s life.

What does a Pen Friend do?

First, you have fun! You will share positive stories, inspiring quotes, and let your pen pal know that someone cares about them. Care packages of small, inexpensive items are another way that Pen Friends can bring a smile to the face of a child. Pen Friends make a small commitment of time each month to write a letter and/or send a package, but the effects of this investment will last a lifetime.

I’m Interested! How do I sign up?



It’s simple! Complete the inquiry form below and a member of the Starlight Program will be in touch. You’ll receive additional specific information about the process to help you to make an informed decision.

Ready to Become A Pen Friend?


Contact Us Today!